Custom Modelling

EMarket is the fastest, most accurate and most flexible simulation and modelling tool for the New Zealand market.

Advanced computational modelling

Fast performance and powerful, easy to use features make EMarket the tool of choice for market modelling and simulation in New Zealand.  EMarket produces medium and long-range forecasts by simulating the behaviour of the electricity market - an essential tool for:

  • Risk evaluation
  • Grid planning
  • Dry-year security assessment
  • Valuing generation
  • Generation strategy development
  • Strategic planning

EMarketNZ is designed for electricity market and transmission analysts who are dissatisfied with models which are slow and do not accurately reflect the many important physical and commercial details of the New Zealand setting.

EMarketNZ is a unique simulation tool optimised for New Zealand. It provides the most accurate view of the interaction between the commercial and technical factors impacting on the spot market including demand, water management, thermal generation, losses, reserves and the details and capacity of the transmission grid.

Unlike other generic market models, EMarketNZ was designed and developed from the ground up to be fast, accurate and flexible for modelling the New Zealand electricity supply system and its spot market.  We have developed a fully featured modelling and simulation tool for New Zealand which includes ready access to the local developers and a local centre of EMarketNZ modelling excellence.